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Truly, comfortable living...


At Hometime, we value our tenants and work hard to make sure they have a great experience renting from us.

Since 2003, we've been perfecting the residential property management process and deliver services that are unmatched in Southern Alberta. We value our customers and are dedicated to making the rental process truly enjoyable for tenants and landlords.

Tenant Services

Repair Issues
Need something looked at?

If your issue is urgent call 403-329-6111 option 2 to reach our maintenance team 24/7, otherwise submit a repair request.

Submit Request
Pay a bill
Need to pay your rent?

Pay online anytime or visit our office to pay in person:

2942 12 Ave North Lethbridge
(403) 329-6111

See all your payment options
Other Questions
Contact your Agent
or call 403-329-6111 option zero to reach our customer care specialist.
  • Jason Humphreys
  • Teresa Byam
  • Jody Workman